We offer so much more than just pet minding services! To eliminate all your worries during your trip we are able to complete simple household chores to keep your house looking lived in, watered and restocked ahead of your return.

Chores FAQs

  • I will only carry out tasks as requested at our in person meeting. The type of tasks I am happy to carry out are..

    • Turning on and off lights and drawing curtains to make the home look lived in.

    • Collect in post/parcels which might be left in outbuildings.

    • Put out bins/recycling on designated days

    • Check and rely answerphone messages

    • Water house plants

    • Water greenhouse plants

    • Milk in fridge on return (additional fee)

  • Yes! I am happy to carry out the above chores whilst visiting your pet - however if there are quite a few bits you’d like me to carry out I may need to extend my visit and increase the fee slightly as to not deduct too much time away from socializing with your pet but this will be discussed beforehand.

    If you would like me to leave you fresh milk in the fridge on your return there will be an additional small fee to cover expenses on that final visit.

  • We are able to offer lawn mowing whilst you are away for an additional fee which will be calculated based off the size of the garden. It will be my dad who will happily mow the lawn whilst I am pet sitting.

    We could require use of your own lawnmower and will bag garden waste for you to dispose of on your return.

  • Yes! If you are going away and just want someone to pop into your property a few times to check over things for peace of mind we’d be very happy to for the same fee.